

POLISH WAVE is a new, mul­ti­lo­ca­tion­al ini­tia­tive which pro­motes Pol­ish audio­vi­su­al out­put. It is orga­nized by the Foun­da­tion of Cul­tur­al Edu­ca­tion Ad Arte­ — the orga­niz­er of the Short Waves Fes­ti­val. From Brasil to Tai­wan, Lon­don to Vilnius­ audi­ence from all over the world will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to watch care­ful­ly select­ed sets of new, excit­ing Pol­ish short films which cap­ture the essence of so-­called “Pol­ish wave”: new devel­op­ments on the domes­tic art scene.


The project is co­financed by the Pol­ish Film Institut.


DOWNLOAD: Pol­ish Wave Pro­gram / Pro­gramme (PL + ENG)


List of screenings:


15.10, Pra­ga, Insty­tut Węgier­s­ki w Pradze
Kliknij po więcej informacji
Orga­ni­za­tor: Insty­tut Pol­s­ki w Pradze

29.10, Lon­dyn, Clapham Library
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Orga­ni­za­tor: Stock­well Partnership


8.11, Ryga, Uni­ver­si­ty of Latvia, Fac­ul­ty of Social Sciences
9.11, Daug­va­pils, Cen­trum Kul­tu­ry Polskiej
10.11, Valmiera, Vidzeme Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences
Orga­ni­za­tor: Amabasa­da RP w Rydze


11.11, Brun­szwik, C1 Cin­e­ma Braunschweig
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11.11, Dublin, Filmbase
Kliknij po więcej informacji

16.11, Wilno, Kino Skalvija
Orga­ni­za­tor: Insty­tut Kul­tu­ry Pol­skiej w Wilnie

19.11, Paryż, Le Balzac
Orga­ni­za­tor: Insty­tut Pol­s­ki w Paryżu

20.11, Berlin, Klub Pol­s­kich Nieudaczników
Kliknij po więcej informacji

21.11, Sofia, Insty­tut Pol­s­ki w Sofii
Orga­ni­za­tor: Insy­tut Pol­skii w Sofii


22.11, Kowno, Kino Cen­tras “Romu­va”.
Orga­ni­za­tor: Insty­tut Kul­tu­ry Pol­skiej w Wilnie

22.11, Bruk­sela, Actor’s Studio
Orga­ni­za­tor: Insty­tut Pol­s­ki w Brukseli


23.11, Kła­jpe­da, Kul­turas Fabrikas.
Orga­ni­za­tor: Insty­tut Kul­tu­ry Pol­skiej w Wilnie


4.12, Ery­wań, The Club


7.12, For­t­aleza, Cin­e­ma do Dragão — Fun­dação Joaquim Nabuco
Orga­ni­za­tor: Kon­sulat Hon­orowy RP w Fortalezie

15.12, Tajpej, Wool­loomoolooOut West
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Współpracu­ją z nami:

Pol­ish Cul­tur­al Insti­tute in London

Pol­ish Insti­tute in Brussels

Pol­ish Insti­tute in Moscow

Pol­ish Insti­tute in Paris

Pol­ish Insti­tute in Prague

Pol­ish Insti­tute in Vilnius

Embassy of the Repub­lic of Poland in Dublin

Pol­ish Hon­orary Con­sulate in Fortaleza

War­saw Trade Office in Taipei




More information/ production

Project coor­di­na­tor: