POLISH WAVE is a new, multilocational initiative which promotes Polish audiovisual output. It is organized by the Foundation of Cultural Education Ad Arte — the organizer of the Short Waves Festival. From Brasil to Taiwan, London to Vilnius audience from all over the world will have an opportunity to watch carefully selected sets of new, exciting Polish short films which capture the essence of so-called “Polish wave”: new developments on the domestic art scene.
The project is cofinanced by the Polish Film Institut.
DOWNLOAD: Polish Wave Program / Programme (PL + ENG)
List of screenings:
15.10, Praga, Instytut Węgierski w Pradze
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Organizator: Instytut Polski w Pradze
29.10, Londyn, Clapham Library
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Organizator: Stockwell Partnership
8.11, Ryga, University of Latvia, Faculty of Social Sciences
9.11, Daugvapils, Centrum Kultury Polskiej
10.11, Valmiera, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
Organizator: Amabasada RP w Rydze
11.11, Brunszwik, C1 Cinema Braunschweig
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11.11, Dublin, Filmbase
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16.11, Wilno, Kino Skalvija
Organizator: Instytut Kultury Polskiej w Wilnie
19.11, Paryż, Le Balzac
Organizator: Instytut Polski w Paryżu
20.11, Berlin, Klub Polskich Nieudaczników
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21.11, Sofia, Instytut Polski w Sofii
Organizator: Insytut Polskii w Sofii
22.11, Kowno, Kino Centras “Romuva”.
Organizator: Instytut Kultury Polskiej w Wilnie
22.11, Bruksela, Actor’s Studio
Organizator: Instytut Polski w Brukseli
23.11, Kłajpeda, Kulturas Fabrikas.
Organizator: Instytut Kultury Polskiej w Wilnie
4.12, Erywań, The Club
7.12, Fortaleza, Cinema do Dragão — Fundação Joaquim Nabuco
Organizator: Konsulat Honorowy RP w Fortalezie
15.12, Tajpej, WoolloomoolooOut West
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Współpracują z nami:
Polish Cultural Institute in London
Polish Institute in Brussels
Polish Institute in Moscow
Polish Institute in Paris
Polish Institute in Prague
Polish Institute in Vilnius
Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Dublin
Polish Honorary Consulate in Fortaleza
Warsaw Trade Office in Taipei
More information/ production
Project coordinator: