

28.09–15.12.2016, Poznań

FILM AUTUMN is a project com­bin­ing numer­ous film and audio­vi­su­al events dur­ing autumn in Poz­nan. Audi­ence will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to watch new and pre­miere pro­duc­tions bal­anc­ing between tra­di­tion­al and exper­i­men­tal forms, and will also take part in work­shops and meet­ings with directors.

Screen­ings will be held in tra­di­tion­al cin­e­mas such as Kino Pała­cowe, Kino Muza, Kino Rial­to, and at Poz­nan uni­ver­si­ties, cul­tur­al cen­ters and clubs. The pro­gram fea­tures a new, pre­miere series of MIDWAVES, which com­pris­es of medi­um-length pro­duc­tions from all around the world. Each screen­ing is fol­lowed by a dis­cus­sions with direc­tors. In the MIDWAVES set we will present, among oth­ers, “The Ambi­gu­i­ty of David Thomas Broughton” (dir. Greg Butler).

ARTWAVES is a set of full-length pro­duc­tions com­bin­ing film and visu­al arts togeth­er with pre-release screen­ings of films e.g. “Sun, the Sun Blind­ed Me” — a strong com­ment on cur­rent socio-polit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion in the world of Anka and Wil­helm Sasnal.
We will dis­cov­er the sound space in the series of SOUNDWAVES with films such as ”Rav­ing Iran” (dir. Susanne Regi­na Meures) a film depict­ing the Iran­ian tech­no scene. Among pre-releas­es there will be a film of Michał Mar­czak “All these Sleep­less Nights” about a gen­er­a­tion of peo­ple born after 1989 who pulse to the beat of War­saw club life. Dur­ing the FILM AUTUMN we will see a great come­back — screen­ing of the three pro­grams of short films of this year’s edi­tion of the Short Waves Fes­ti­val: Urban View, Dances with Cam­era and Short Waves: Experimental.

A part of the FILM AUTUMN will also include a set of events for the film indus­try e.g. the pub­lic pre­sen­ta­tion of the report on the film cul­ture in Poz­nan, a work­shop for local pro­fes­sion­als about cre­at­ing strat­e­gy, and cre­ative work­shops for chil­dren and adults.

Organ­is­er: Ad Arte Foundation/
Cofi­nanc­ing: the City of Poz­nań, Mar­shal Office of Wielkopol­s­ka Region in Poz­nan, Pol­ish Film Institute
More infor­ma­tion:




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Cofi­nans­ing: Mias­to Poz­nań, Urząd Marsza­łkows­ki Wojew­ództ­wa Wielkopol­skiego, Pol­s­ki Insty­tut Sztu­ki Filmowej



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